Thursday, May 31, 2007

Perspective (Or Lack Thereof)

Alan Barnard over at The Recumbent Blog wrote an excellent article about why recumbents aren't as popular as they should be. [Link]

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Fix

Temp 84, Hazy
Forest fires in Georgia and Florida, are resulting in lowered air quality in Nashville to moderate.

A friend of mine said that I should be careful or I would break the wire on my speedometer on the EZ 3 since I was carrying it on the bicycle rack. Well it did break. I looked for a wireless speedometer to replace it. But most wireless will not transmit the distance to the top cross piece on the bike's handlebar. 70 mm was the farthest it would transmit so it would be down on the bar below the water bottle. So since it did not give me any more advantage than the wired, I repaired my wired speedometer. It was broken in the middle of the wire. If it had pulled out of the head or the pickup this might not be possible. Another friend of mine separated the two small wires soldered them and used shrink tubing to make the repair water proof.

Works well. I just have to be more careful.

2 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 145 miles total.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

New Route

Temp: 83, Sunny

This is the hardest route I have taken. It is only 2 miles long but 1/2 of it is uphill. I drop down hill from my house for 1/2 mile and then have to climb back to it in a series of up hill climbs in the next mile and 1/2.
With out the new Mt gearing on my front chain rings, 44, 34, 22, I would not be able to do it.

I only had to stop 3 times. Hopefully I will get able to do this time after time for a 10 mile ride before the Summer is out.

2 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" Total of 143 miles

Friday, May 25, 2007

My Mistake

I went back to the Cumberland Transit bike shop and found out that the rear idler toothed wheel that is attached to the back axle, had the Allen bolt come loose and was moved to the right far enough that the chain had broken 3 lengths. Bolt tightened and a new final chain put on and it works like a top. I am still amazed how much easier it is to climb hills. No strain it is not, but still much easier.
3 miles in the "Quest of Fitness" 141 miles total

Thursday, May 24, 2007

What a difference.

When I got my trike out of the LBS the difference in the smaller chain rings is unbelievable. The only thing is that while testing them on a local greenway I had a problem. About 3 miles into my ride the idler chain that goes from my cassette to the back axle starting popping and then came off. It would not stay on. So back to the shop again. I believe that when adjusting the back cassette so it would smoothly go into low gear it canted the idler wheel too much and the chain will not stay on.

Will find out and take pictures and post later today.

3 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" and then a three mile walk.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Parts.

I have not been able to ride for the last two days because the trike is in the LBS, Cumberland Transit, to replace the chainrings and a complete tune up. Will fill you in when I get it back on how much better it climbs and functions

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A battle Cruizer

Here is a EZ -3 that has been modified a little

A little afternoon ride.

Temp 81 , calm and clear

Got some exercise in before Church tonight.

3 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 135 miles total.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The hills are alive....

Temp 74, blue skies

This was a beautiful day for a ride.
My Wife got on the trike for the first time to ride in over 34 years.

A great day.

3.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 132 miles total.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Choppy Cumberland River

Temp: 69, very windy

I went back to the Metro Center Levee bike path. Had a nice ride of over 81/2 miles.
The wind was blowing so much that there were whitecaps on the Cumberland River

Most of the weeds are blooming making a different type of flower than when I last rode this
green way.

I then got off the Green way at the other end and rode the bike lanes around the industrial area.

This is the dome over the practice field of the Tennessee Titans.

As I came around the last bend of the road there was this pool

8.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 128.5 total miles

Bike to Work Day.

Bike, walk,

carpool, canoe,

hop, skip or jump!

But leave your car at home Friday, May 18, 2007

National Bike-Walk to Work Day

Commuters! It's National Bike/Walk to Work day when thousands of commuters will leave their car at home and try a new way to commute.

It's a day to celebrate the freedom of getting to work without a car, high-priced gasoline, commuting costs, or parking hassles while doing something good for your health and the environment.

Walk, bike, carpool or hop on a bus to work, if you live far away, drive to a nearby Park and Ride lot and bike from there or, check-out your local bus system to see if they can carry your bike part of the way.

Also, this week is Bike- to- Work Week, and the month of May is Bike Month.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

After Dark

Rode my three miles after dark tonight. I put on the Cateye LED Head and tail lights and had a nice cool ride right before the rain storm.

Real nice.

3 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 120 total miles.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Goodbye To My First recumbent

Temp 83, clear

Sold my EZ-1 SX today. Looks like it is going to a person that will ride it often.

2 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 117 total miles

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Beautiful Horses and People

I have not ridden in two days.
Yesterday, I worked the 2007 Iroquois Steeplechase from dawn to sunset. A beautiful day.
Too tired to ride when I got home.
Today it is a lot cooler and would be a great day to ride but I am sick and cannot, so here is a picture of Red's Rider 3 with all the additional gear added on.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Up that hill with a Wheel Chair!

Temp: 89, cloudy, humid

I rode 5 miles today. Getting the hills down. Easily climbed if you can stop a while. I am a third of the way to my summer goal of getting from Dickerson Rd. up the hill to my house. So much easier when you do not have to worry about balance.

The other day when we were riding we heard a child say, "Hey Mom, look at the wheel chair bikes". From the picture below you can see why he would think that.

5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 115 total.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A New Ride

Temp: 87, partly cloudy

While in Dayton I was able to pick up a new ride.

Red's Rider 3

I spent most of the afternoon installing all the equipment from the EZ-1 to the EZ-3 trike

Then I spent time riding it. It is enjoyable not to have to worry about balancing the trike while climbing hills. It is a heavier but a more comfortable and solid ride.

3 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 110 miles total.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Vacation With Dad

Temp. 81, Sunny

I have ridden 6 miles this week. Did not ride any last week because I was in Dayton visiting my Dad and we went to Washington DC. We were just plain tourists. Had a great time.

The above is a picture of John Velbeck's EZ 3 AX. It is quite different than the EX 3 SX. It is made of aluminum with canted back wheels. All the wheels are 20 inchers with disc brakes and Big Apple tires. John has added shorter cranks with elliptical mountain rings of 44-34-24. Something I need for the hills around here. He also has added an electrical motor to help in hill climbing.
Good looking bike.

6 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 107 total.