Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Back and Forth on the Street where I live.

Temp: 72, windy

Rode today after setting up Kid City Layout

3 miles in the "Quest for Fitness" 101 total

Friday, April 20, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Temp: 68 beautiful clear day.

The last 4 days away from home messed up this week's mileage.
Only rode 2 miles today before dark. Good to be back on the bike.

The answer to the "Where In Nashville"

James Polk and his wife are buried on the east side of the Tennessee Capital's lawn.

2 miles in the "Quest for Fitness", 98 total miles.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sun EZ 1: The People's Bent

Temp: 61, cloudy

I was going through the
Recumbent Cyclist blog and and found Bob Bryant review of the EZ 1.

Sun EZ 1: The People's Bent

I road 3.5 miles between rain showers today.

3.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness", 18.25 miles this week, 96 miles total.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cold and Windy

temp: 50, clear, cold wind

This is the final of the three flags that I am flying now. Cincinnati Reds
I have rooted for them for 52 years

3.25 miles in the "Quest for Fitness"

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Temp: 54, clear, windy

Rode only a short while today.
Feeling kind of dizzy and the wind was gusting and cold.
Still noticing the improvement that the extenders give to the pedaling of the bike on hills.

Received myfirst issue of the Recumbent Cyclist News (RCN) today.

Looking forward to reading it tonight. Looks interesting.

2 miles in the "Quest for Fitness"

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Between Rain storm with extenders

Temp: 68, rainy

Well I received my pedal extenders from "Norm Simpson" yesterday.

I can not believe how much difference it makes. Installation was easy took about 2 minutes.
They are labeled L or R because of the different threading for each side. The only thing is the extenders use a metric 19 and my pedals use metric 15 wrench.

These allow me to pedal and my heels do not hit the crank arm. I do not have to worry about keeping my feet straight.

Norm sells these or 20 dollars plus 5 dollars for shipping. That is cheaper than any I have found and they are a quality item. He excepts Pay Pal also. Norm Simpson<>

I do not work for Norm in any way just a satisfied customer.

2.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness"

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hill Climbing Continued.

temp: 62, Clear

Rode 3.5 miles and kept climbing bigger hills. Rode in the Neighborhood. Set a goal for myself to climb the hill from Dickerson Rd. It is a long hill over a mile in distance. I have never been a hill climber so this is going to be a real challenge for me.

This was the other flag that I received. I was in the Air Force.
My Son is in the Air Force stationed in IRAQ

I have added more links to EZ recumbents.

3.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Climbing Hills

Temp: 55, Clear

The tempature rose to above 50 so I grabbed the bike and rode 3.5 miles in the neighborhood.
I am climbing hills
in 1-3 that I could not climb last week in any gear. I am looking at bigger and bigger hills.
Felt great to ride again. It is becoming addictive.

Ohio Flag

I recieved a couple of new flags and flew one today. Ohio's State flag is a double pendent flag.
It is my home state. I like the looks of it on the bike.

3.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness"

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Where In Nashville.

It has not been above 33 degrees in the last two days.
So no riding of the bike.

I would like to do something different on the days I am not riding.

Where in Nashville is the item in the picture below located?

James K. Polk was the 11th President of the United States.
He is buried at this site along with his wife Sarah.

Where is it located?

Answer in the comments section of this post.
After a week if no one gets it right the answer will be given.

Total milage for the week in the "Quest for Fitness" was 2.5 miles, total of 78.8 miles

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Ice on the Pumpkin

Temp: 44, Clear

Well if there were pumpkins still in the Pumpkin Patch they would have ice on them last night.
It went below freezing.

Sunday, after I took this picture, it started raining big time and the temperature took a dive.
So today was my first time to ride this week. Around the neighborhood for 2.5 miles.

Sure does feel great to get back on the bike.

When I went to the doctor yesterday and stepped up on the scale I had lost 3 pounds. My blood pressure and sugar was in the right range and the Doctor said "I see you got your bike out and are riding again".

2.5 miles in the "Quest for Fitness"